Get started with AstroWind to create a website using Astro and Tailwind CSS
Start your web journey with AstroWind – harness Astro and Tailwind CSS for a stunning site. Explore our guide now.
XgestEvo es un software de gestión comercial con control de almacenes, facturación, contabilidad, TPV, gestión documental y más... XgestEvo: Listo para el trabajo. para la gestión comercial integrada de pequeñas y medianas empresas, adaptado a la constante evolución de las normativas fiscales.
Uno de los software de gestión comercial más profesionales y completos actualmente en el mercado. En evolución constante desde 1.998.
XgestEvo integra en tiempo real la mayoría de las labores de la empresa, generando automáticamente la contabilidad conforme se van produciendo movimientos y gestionando existencias y demás datos de movimientos tanto de materiales físicos como financieros.
Seguimos la filosofía DRY (don´t repeat yourself), con lo que se intenta que cada movimiento se registre en todos los lugares necesarios para no tener que duplicar trabajo y todo se controle de una forma lo más fluida posible con el mínimo de trabajo por parte del usuario.
Todo cambia muy rápido, y las leyes van obligando a las empresas a adoptar nuevas formas de gestionar su relación con las administraciones públicas, lo que en un futuro sin duda agilizará y dará transparencia a estas gestiones, pero actualmente nos exigen una adaptación contínua a las nuevas normativas.
Al usar bases de datos MySQL estándar sus datos pueden estar alojados en cualquier servidor de internet o local en su propia empresa, lo que le permite tener acceso a sus datos desde cualquier lugar y dispositivo. También ofrecemos la posibilidad de usar nuestros servidores en Amazon AWS para alojar sus datos en la nube y olvidarse de gestionarlo.
Con la suscripción básica de XgestEvo, se incluye todo lo necesario para gestionar su empresa (gestión comercial, almacenes, contabilidad, TPV, gestión de trabajos, etc.) sin tener que pagar por módulos adicionales.
Opciones adicionales disponibles para ampliar las funcionalidades de XgestEvo: Gestión avanzada de trabajos, control de presencia, Business Intelligence (cubos OLAP), Terminales de movilidad, Tienda web, enlace a WooCommerce, Hostings de bases de datos en Amazon AWS, etc.
Inside template
Benefiting from the performance and developer-friendly features of this modern static site generator.
Facilitating rapid design and consistent styling with this highly popular utility-first CSS framework.
Ensure your website looks and functions consistently across various web browsers, delivering a seamless experience to all users.
Tailor the template effortlessly to match your brand's identity and requirements, making your website distinct and saving you time.
Explore various layout options to find the structure that best presents your content, enhancing user engagement and navigation.
Ensure your website's optimal performance on various devices and screen sizes, providing a consistent and enjoyable user experience.
Seamlessly incorporate images, videos, and multimedia elements that enhance your content and engage visitors effectively.
Captivate your audience with interactive elements, intuitive navigation, and visually appealing layouts, encouraging longer visits.
Ensure your website stays aligned with the latest trends and technologies through regular updates and enhancements.
Skip the time-consuming process of building a website from scratch and launch your online presence sooner with AstroWind.
Join the growing AstroWind community for insights, resources, and assistance, ensuring you're never alone on your web development journey.
Step 1: Descargar
Kickstart with GitHub! Either fork the AstroWind template or simply click 'Use this template'. Your canvas awaits, ready for your digital masterpiece. In just a few clicks, you've already set the foundation.
Step 2: Add content
Pour your vision into it. Add images, text, and all that jazz to breathe life into your digital space. Remember, it's the content that tells your story, so make it captivating.
Step 3: Customize styles
Give it your personal touch. Tailor colors, fonts, and layouts until it feels just right. Your unique flair, amplified by AstroWind! Precision in design ensures a seamless user experience.
Provides frequently used components for building websites using Tailwind CSS
Ever tried driving without GPS? Boom! That's why websites need headers for direction.
Picture a superhero landing – epic, right? That's the job of a Hero section, making grand entrances!
Where websites strut their stuff and show off superpowers. No holding back on the bragging rights here!
Dive into the meat and potatoes of a site; without it, you'd just be window shopping. Content is king.
That enthusiastic friend who's always urging, "Do it! Do it!"? Yeah, that's this button nudging you towards adventure.
Behold the dessert menu of the website world. Tempting choices await, can you resist?
Step into the gossip corner! Here, other visitors spill the beans and share the juicy details.
Like a digital mailbox, but faster! Drop a line, ask a question, or send a virtual high-five. Ding! Message in.
The footer's like the credits of a movie but sprinkled with easter eggs. Time to hunt!
The blog is used to display AstroWind documentation. Each new article will be an important step that you will need to know to be an expert in creating a website using Astro + Tailwind CSS. Astro is a very interesting technology. Thanks.
Start your web journey with AstroWind – harness Astro and Tailwind CSS for a stunning site. Explore our guide now.
Explore vital tools and resources for a sleek website. From design to functionality, our guide elevates your online presence.
Personalize AstroWind template for your brand. Our guide unlocks seamless customization steps for a unique online presence.
While easy to get started, Astrowind is quite complex internally. This page provides documentation on some of the more intricate parts.
Dive into the following questions to gain insights into the powerful features that AstroWind offers and how it can elevate your web development journey.
Michael Knight a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent. The helpless. The powerless in a world of criminals who operate above the law. Here he comes Here comes Speed Racer. He's a demon on wheels.
Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds. Many say exploration is part of our destiny, but it’s actually our duty to future generations.
Well, the way they make shows is, they make one show. That show's called a pilot. Then they show that show to the people who make shows, and on the strength of that one show they decide if they're going to make more shows.
A flower in my garden, a mystery in my panties. Heart attack never stopped old Big Bear. I didn't even know we were calling him Big Bear.
A business big enough that it could be listed on the NASDAQ goes belly up. Disappears! It ceases to exist without me. No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in.
This is not about revenge. This is about justice. A lot of things can change in twelve years, Admiral. Well, that's certainly good to know. About four years. I got tired of hearing how young I looked.
Be very surprised by these huge fake numbers you are seeing on this page.
Don't waste more time! :P